Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 41

Not liking PCP today... at all.  I'm back to feeling tired, grumpy and hungry a lot of the time.  I understand that this may be something you have to put up with if you are on a regime but I hate feeling like I'm not being the best mum I can be just because I've got myself in to a situation where I have to spend ages weighing all my food and rushing around trying to find time to do exercises in between doing everything else.  I ended up preparing food for myself and my family until midnight last night.  Baby had me up at 4am.  He resettled but started his day at 6.45am.  And I didn't sit down, literally, from then until 5pm this evening when I helped the boys with their tea and had my afternoon snack.  Even lunch was mouthfuls grabbed between skipping, a shower and trying to settle the baby for his lunchtime nap.  This simply isn't sustainable.

James made the point that my old diet wasn't really doing me any favours compared to PCP, and he might be right but, you know what, a supper of steamed white rice with some nice sauteed meat with sauce and some stir fried vegetables makes me happy.  As does chocolate cake.

This rant may not be very PC on the PCP but I've got to get it off my chest.


  1. This week's "diet" won't last forever....only 1 more day. Now I'm sure about next weeks though?!

  2. Hi there Sasha -- from a former PCPer (and current KFBer) and mom to a toddler -- I completely understand. The rest of your life isn't going to be like this, I promise. It's not sustainable, you're right, but it will get much easier. Welcome to the PCP Valley! Hang in there. :)

  3. Kudos for doing all this with a baby! Keep going!

  4. Way to blog it out! Down in the valley, valley so loooooooow~ OH YEAH!

  5. c'mon Sasha, you CAN DO IT: it's tough indeed... but in a couple of months (actually much less than that) we will be laughing about all of this while having dinner and showing off our beautiful new selfs...

  6. Sasha I know how you are feeling, last weekend I felt exactly the same and I was so angry, grumpy and close to tears when Vitto ask me whether he should prepare my apple. Especially when you don't get any sleep you feel like at least you deserve some decent food. You are really amazing and i don't know how you can do it with the 2 little ones that still need a lot of attention. Be strong and let James take over on the weekend so you can get some rest. Bxxx

  7. The PCP is sometimes like forcing a square peg into a round hole--or a big fat hole in my case. It stressed me and put me at odds with my family from time to time. But now, they and I are so glad I did it. These stressful periods will pass and are so worth it in the long run. The good days will take over soon, Sasha.

    Stay strong!
