Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Final Post

Well this is quite a moment.  I can't believe we are at the end of the project - it has become such a part of our lives now.

I didn't blog in the last week as I've been in "head down" mode and didn't want to think about it too much.  I didn't expect to but I actually enjoyed the super sets - mixing up the exercises and going for the total workout felt good.  But man, you need a full night's sleep after them!

Officially Day 90 was a couple of days ago but James and I are still eating 6 times a day and pretty much sticking to the regime.  I don't like putting it like that as it clearly is not a regime anymore and has become a way of life - to choose fresh healthy fruit, veg, lean meat and enjoy natural variety.  For giving us that knowledge and inclination, I really thank Patrick.  I think you may have given us a few extra years to enjoy and share with our family.  How awesome is that?!

Daily/frequent exercise is something that James and I both struggled to discipline ourselves to do pre-PCP.  Now we actually choose activities together as a family and that really makes me happy.  Running along the waterfront on the south side of Hong Kong island with our 2 little boys giggling and yelling "faster" in their double buggy last weekend was truly a joyful moment :-)  I'm looking forward to many more.

A huge part of my motivation for starting PCP was the fact that I hated the way my body looked.  I thought I was fat and weighed too much.  I was also scared of making meal decisions because I thought that eating food makes you fat.  So I used to just snack on bits and pieces during the day.  Now I know this is all total rubbish.  I weigh 121 lbs now.  I was 123 lbs when PCP started.  I haven't had the same compliments that James has had about looking massively different and "oh you've obviously worked really hard" but this in itself has also been a good lesson.  I now know that:
1. Weight doesn't matter
2. I wasn't/am not fat
3. I look good
4. It doesn't matter what other people think because...
5. I am blessed to be healthy and equipped with the knowledge to protect and enhance my health for the rest of my life.

On Day 90 I did the work out from Day 5.  It took me 5 or 6 minutes!  In the afternoon I took my two little boys to the beach and splashed in the sea with them, wearing my bikini, which I HAVE NEVER DONE with my children before!!!!  They always had to wait for Daddy to be home at the weekend.  Before I would have cried from embarrassment and shame about how I looked.  I had such a nice time with them and had any amazing feeling of being truly liberated from all my old horrible hang ups.  This also makes me really happy.  It was my way of celebrating the end of the project and, I don't know if anyone else can understand, but is a great reflection of what I have achieved through PCP.

Thank you Patrick for your patient support over the past 3 months.  Thank you James for putting up with my wobbles and encouraging me along the way.  I truly couldn't have completed the project if you had not been doing it too.  You have shown self-discipline that I haven't seen in you before and your incredible results are well deserved.

Well I guess that is me done, for now.  Well done to everyone who has completed the 90 days and to everyone who is already nearly half way there!  Keep at it - you can do it and I think I understand now what Patrick means when he says chest dips will set you free!! :-)


  1. Very nice Sasha....I echo your feelings about a bathing suit. I feel like PCP set me "free" also. Woman have such a hangup with weight and I think we all conquered that these 3 months! Congrats to you and your happy family. You did great.

  2. This mental clarity is the real treasure of taking care of your body, and the best result we could hope for! Pleasure to work with you Sasha, keep eating and stay free! COMPLETE
