Saturday, January 29, 2011

PCP Thai style

Haven't blogged for a few days as we have been preparing to go to and arriving in THailand for a family holiday with friends. But overall PCP has been going well...

Managed to squeeze in my exercises before jumping on the plane yesterday, which I was surprisingly pleased with.

As for today: SKIPPING BREAKTHROUGH!!! I don't need to do double hops anymore and did my 800 jumps in about a third of the usual time :-)). I need to give my incredibly coordinated friend, Jen, credit. She's on holiday with us and can skip like a boxer. I watched and watched her and cracked it. Also borrowed her leather skipping rope, which seems to move through the air a lot better. Thanks Jen!

Food wise, we brought our scales and are keeping to our allowed amounts. Carbs and veg are easy to be good with. But we are not cooking our protein separately to everyone else, so, while choosing as much as possible without sauces, we are probably not being as strict as we would ideally like on salt in particular. But all in all not bad.

Hope everyone else is feeling like they are progressing too!

1 comment:

  1. Your skipping will rival your friend's when this is all said and done. Do your best to keep those sauces out of your stomach!
