Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Final Post

Well this is quite a moment.  I can't believe we are at the end of the project - it has become such a part of our lives now.

I didn't blog in the last week as I've been in "head down" mode and didn't want to think about it too much.  I didn't expect to but I actually enjoyed the super sets - mixing up the exercises and going for the total workout felt good.  But man, you need a full night's sleep after them!

Officially Day 90 was a couple of days ago but James and I are still eating 6 times a day and pretty much sticking to the regime.  I don't like putting it like that as it clearly is not a regime anymore and has become a way of life - to choose fresh healthy fruit, veg, lean meat and enjoy natural variety.  For giving us that knowledge and inclination, I really thank Patrick.  I think you may have given us a few extra years to enjoy and share with our family.  How awesome is that?!

Daily/frequent exercise is something that James and I both struggled to discipline ourselves to do pre-PCP.  Now we actually choose activities together as a family and that really makes me happy.  Running along the waterfront on the south side of Hong Kong island with our 2 little boys giggling and yelling "faster" in their double buggy last weekend was truly a joyful moment :-)  I'm looking forward to many more.

A huge part of my motivation for starting PCP was the fact that I hated the way my body looked.  I thought I was fat and weighed too much.  I was also scared of making meal decisions because I thought that eating food makes you fat.  So I used to just snack on bits and pieces during the day.  Now I know this is all total rubbish.  I weigh 121 lbs now.  I was 123 lbs when PCP started.  I haven't had the same compliments that James has had about looking massively different and "oh you've obviously worked really hard" but this in itself has also been a good lesson.  I now know that:
1. Weight doesn't matter
2. I wasn't/am not fat
3. I look good
4. It doesn't matter what other people think because...
5. I am blessed to be healthy and equipped with the knowledge to protect and enhance my health for the rest of my life.

On Day 90 I did the work out from Day 5.  It took me 5 or 6 minutes!  In the afternoon I took my two little boys to the beach and splashed in the sea with them, wearing my bikini, which I HAVE NEVER DONE with my children before!!!!  They always had to wait for Daddy to be home at the weekend.  Before I would have cried from embarrassment and shame about how I looked.  I had such a nice time with them and had any amazing feeling of being truly liberated from all my old horrible hang ups.  This also makes me really happy.  It was my way of celebrating the end of the project and, I don't know if anyone else can understand, but is a great reflection of what I have achieved through PCP.

Thank you Patrick for your patient support over the past 3 months.  Thank you James for putting up with my wobbles and encouraging me along the way.  I truly couldn't have completed the project if you had not been doing it too.  You have shown self-discipline that I haven't seen in you before and your incredible results are well deserved.

Well I guess that is me done, for now.  Well done to everyone who has completed the 90 days and to everyone who is already nearly half way there!  Keep at it - you can do it and I think I understand now what Patrick means when he says chest dips will set you free!! :-)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 84

Like a lot of other PCPers, it seems, I'm finding that I'm wanting to make a big push to finish the programme properly.  I used a stronger resistance band for rowing yesterday and can feel it, in a good way, in my back today.  James and I skipped at the same time tonight and finished off with the 8 minute abs together.  If you'd told me we would happily be doing 1990s aerobics routines together 3 months ago, I'd have laughed at you!

The PCP trickle down effect continues:  #1 son finally tried egg whites ("mmm, like it"), red peppers ("mummy do it"), mango ("more?") and is stealing my bananas and apples.  He also does his own daily version of exercises, including counting out the reps, which he seems to have made up for himself.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 81

Can't believe it's been so long since I last blogged.  No idea where the time went but do know I've been busy.

My PCP routine is intact: skips at lunchtime, sets in the evening.  Happy with the rhythm and, as we near the end of the programme, looking forward with a full expectation that I will continue to make time for some daily (or frequent at least!) exercise.  This is a new Sasha - previously, I'd have done what I could to avoid it!

I confess that I haven't followed the diet 100% exactly - I'm not taking carbs very often at night time.  I just prefer not to but maybe that's because James and I quite often have sweet potato as one of our night time veg, which is quite filling anyway.  The other thing I have noticed in the past couple of days is that lunch isn't really keeping me full for as long as it used to.  Before I'd have to be reminded to take my afternoon snack but now I'm watching the clock for it.  I'm eating loads of veg at lunch so I'm not sure what's going on there.

James and I indulged last night.  We went to a great Italian restaurant on the 103rd floor of ICC in HK.  The view was great even though the weather wasn't.  Started with carpaccio, followed with Paccheri (first time we'd seen this type of pasta on a menu since our honeymoon in Italy, when we had it A LOT!), and then the best rack of lamb I've ever had.  Awesome.  Felt full much more quickly than I would have pre-PCP.  But loved the flavours and it was a real treat - thank you hubby!

The other thing that started happening this week is that #1 son, who turns 2 soon, has found the ultimate weapon against any form of verbal discipline:  in the middle of Mummy's sentence, lean forward, fart loudly and slowly as a broad smile spreads over your face, and then politely ask "Who's that?"  It's hilarious and he knows it.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 73

As usual.  Skips done at lunchtime, sets in the evening.

New photo is up.  It's been two weeks.  Frankly I can hardly see a difference and, if anything, I think I look marginally less lean.  Hmmm.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 71

Skips done at lunchtime. Sets in the evening after the boys went to bed. I will be glad to get some time back to myself after day 90.

Banana going down a lot better as a pre work out snack than the dry bread that was constituting my carb allowance before.

It's late now so will post photos tomorrow.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

day 69

Skips done while #1 son at playgroup and #2 son napping this morning.  I'm really really tired all the time at the moment.  So I tried to get 20mins shut-eye at lunchtime which meant no sets during the day.  Did them all after the boys went to bed though.

I'm skipping my prework out carbs still.  I can't see that it's a huge amount and I'm not hungry for them.  I also realised that the last couple of nights I missed out my dinner carbs.  Not on purpose but, as well as other veg, I had sweet potato and pumpkin and I guess my body really just didn't feel like bread or rice as well otherwise I'd have got the craving right?

Oh and I know it's a positive "change in body composition", Patrick, but my sample size Chanel dress doesn't fit anymore - it's too tight under the arms and across the back - those latissimus dorsi whatchumacallits you've been talking about?  I don't mind too much because the dress never really fit anyway but yes, I'm getting bigger, not smaller.  I hope this is not an ongoing trend??

The other news is that #2 son's first two teeth popped through yesterday! :-)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 67

Skipped at lunchtime today. Sets done after putting the boys to bed and before supper. Not much else to report. The boys behaved like angels today and I had such fun with them both - couldn't have a bigger smile on my face!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 66

First I will confess that I skipped the exercises on Saturday. I chose instead to organize #1 sons birthday party and am pleased I did. I've been getting tired and ratty with the kids again on interrupted sleep so i feel like I owed them a PCP stress free day.

But I was inspired on that same afternoon to stick with the program because I felt so fit and strong running around town (hong kong has a lot of slopes!) that I got loads of stuff done without feeling completely frazzled.

I guess the lesson I am taking from the experience is that moderation and compromise work and beating yourself up with guilt because you can't do absolutely everything all the time is actually not very helpful.

Back on track with all the skipping and exercise Sunday and today. I'm with James that trying to do it at night after a full day with the kids just isn't fun. Will try to skip at lunch tomorrow so the evening sets are manageable. I meant to today but fell asleep at lunch while my sister, who had come to visit, was talking to me - whoops!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 62

Back on track the last couple of days - skipping and exercises all done.  Ankles were sore again for the first time in a while yesterday.  I guess they enjoyed the sneaky day off before! Feeling stronger having slept better last night. Managed to get the skipping and sets all done this morning too while #1 son was at playgroup.  #2 son had to watch again when he woke up from his nap but overall the interruptions weren't too bad and I made it in just under an hour (that included getting the baby up and cutting his nails between skipping and sets - multi-tasking!)

I'm feeling bigger, which doesn't leave me very comfortable. I think this may just be psychological as I made the fatal error of getting on the scales.  I haven't blogged about weight so far as Patrick says it doesn't matter.  But, for the record, I started PCP weighing 123lbs.  After a few weeks I dropped to 116lbs.  Now I'm 120lbs.  Putting weight on just wasn't something I thought I would do.  Yes, I know I'm net down but, still, it's peculiar to see the scales go up and try to convince myself that this is a good thing.  I've not taken my pre-workout carb the past couple of days.  I'm not hungry for it and I don't want to bulk up.

More positively, James made a comment yesterday that he had never seen my skin looking so clear.  I think this is true and I fully credit the diet of fresh clean food.  I've always had problems with break outs and, now that James has made me think of it, it is true that this just hasn't been the case for the past month or so.  Thank you PCP!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 60

Well it's a bit of a landmark day - 60 - and I've not done any exercise for the first time on PCP.  Yesterday I skipped but didn't do the sets.  I'm utterly exhausted on 5 hours of sleep last night and the night before.  It is incredible the difference that sleep makes to my physical ability to do the exercises.  Feeling a bit guilty and obviously skipped the pre and post work out carbs/yogurt yesterday and today.  Will also skip the egg tonight.

The other thing that I am having is cravings like I've never experienced before for granola and oaty things.  What is that?  It's like pregnant cravings - i.e. seriously, don't argue with me, cravings.  What am I supposed to do??

Well done everyone for sticking with the programme.  James is doing a great job and showing me up badly right now!

Oh and I've put a new photo up on Flickr today.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 58

I've got a hate on for skipping at the moment.  Don't know why as I can skip ok.  Sure I trip a bit, but not like when PCP first started.  But, every day as I'm getting ready to skip, I get really properly angry about the fact that I have to do it.  And I'm still really angry when it's done.  There is no sense of satisfaction for meeting the challenge, no clarity of hindsight - just pure Rage.  It takes a while to wear off.  But usually it's ok by the time I've finished lunch.  I really don't mind the sets - in fact I enjoy most of them (except bicycles, floorjumps and pull ups!).  But skipping - bah!

Sets went ok today.  I had to use a stronger but longer resistance band for all the biceps sets because James smashed up the littlest one yesterday (for the second time on PCP!).  But that's probably because he's so strong now right?! And the other resistance band was ok for me today - so I guess I'm stronger now too.

Noticed I've got these muscles that wing out from my back on either side of my chest now when I flex.  Not sure what they are but they weren't there before.  And, from what I can see over my shoulder, I'm looking pretty much cellulite free for the first time since I was about 15 years old.  That is surely a miracle.  I thought that cellulite was incurable??

Amazing day in HK today - perfect weather.  Spent the morning in the pool with James and the boys.  #2 Son had his first swim.  Afternoon was on the beach with the family and friends.  Couldn't ask for too much more.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day 57

Skipping today went something like this: skip for 30 seconds, trip, toddler (watching on the bed) says whoops, laughs, skip for 40 seconds, toddler climbs down from the safe watching place on the bed and tries to catch the rope shouting hogalogalog (helipcopter) and neenaw neenaw, stop skipping and try to explain patiently to toddler please mind the rope while trying to start skipping as soon as possible because the 4 minutes are ticking by, trip, trip again, skip for 30 seconds, realise toddler has moved behind you and you can't see if you're about to hit him with the rope, trip trying to see, ask daddy to please watch the kids, skip for 60 seconds, think this set must be over soon, trip while trying to sneak a look at the timer, trip, trip, skip for 30 seconds, trip, skip a bit, oh well 3 seconds from the end of set 1.

Sets went better as daddy took toddler to the playground.  Baby (watching mummy from his walker) thinks the resistance bands are really funny for some reason.  He still gets very angry when I'm doing abs, though.  I told him he should try doing them.  Incidentally, toddler did the other night.  Leg ups are a lot more fun when your nearly two year old is laughing while copying you.  He's not so good at lunges though.

New diet is ok.  I just feel so physically tired.  I guess this means I'm doing the exercises properly but it's tough to keep going through the day without rest.

Great job Patrick, to keep going through everything all that is happening in Japan.  Thoughts are with you and everyone there.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 55

Very tired today. Skips didn't go well as calves are sore - I'm blaming the creeps of a couple of days ago. But I did all the sets for all the exercises. Finishing the day off with an 8.30pm trip to IKEA and coming back to burnt stew that I was intending to feed to my kids tomorrow hasn't exactly helped.

Yesterday was nice though. James and I indulged in dinner together. Wild mushroom ravioli to start, followed by linguine with lobster and apple crumble for pudding. Don't care about the calories - it was great! Felt full and treated afterwards and slept like a baby last night. Roll on Day 90!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 53

Bit late with the photo this week but it is up on Flickr now.

Did all the skips and sets today.  Although total muscle failure on the last set of cycling.  Agree with Vitto - floorjumps, pull ups and cycling are THE WORST!

Sorry about sentence structure - v busy day today and more baby mush to prepare for tomorrow's messy meals.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 52

Until now I have done every rep for every set of our exercises.  But in my sleep deprived state I took it easier today.  Did all the skips and abs but two sets less of the pull ups and one set less of the triceps dips.  I also skipped the double katana.  I was conscious of not doing the full whack so skipped my post-work out milk.  But at least I managed to get all the exercises done while the baby was sleeping this morning.  Which meant that I was able to catch some zzzz's at lunch.

Gorgeous day in Hong Kong today and James was off work for the afternoon so we headed to the beach, which we are lucky to have 5 mins from our apartment.  The boys absolutely loved it.  Not a bad way to start the week.

Number One Son is turning 2 in a few weeks.  If anyone has any good birthday party ideas, I'd love to hear them!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 50

Thanks girls (and Patrick!) for the comments and support.  Akiko, I feel bad - I should be able to give you pointers and help, rather than the other way around!  Great to have another mummy on board :-)

Molly made a really good point in her recent blog about feeling like a stranger in your own body.  I understand where she's coming from.  I've got visible muscles that I never thought I'd have and far less cellulite - Hooray!  I'm not sure that I feel a stranger so much but honestly I expected to look like I do now at the end of the programme.  But we're only halfway there.  So I'm not sure what the motivation is for the second half.  I know PCP is about more than aesthetics and of course logically there are all sorts of reasons to carry on getting fitter and stronger and better informed, etc., but it's a bit weird to be committing oneself to totally unchartered waters.

Somehow Day 50 seems like more of a landmark than Day 45.  I'll be glad to be on the other side and in to the "5-s".

Hoping very much that time management gets easier.  Baby #2 got very cross with being shoved in his walker to watch Mummy do V-sits and side crunches today.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 49

Well this hasn't been a great week for me. I've really struggled to stay committed to PCP. I haven't cheated on any food but missed my exercises on Wednesday.

The main problem is lack of sleep. Baby #2 has been settling better but now has a cold and has been needing comforting in the night. I'm not sleeping more than 5 or 6 hours in total and this has been interrupted as frequently as every hour. So I'm tired out already and looking after two babies and then I have PCP hanging over my head the whole time.

I am also very bad at leaving my kids to go and do PCP stuff. I just love them more than I love PCP. So it doesn't feel right for me to fob them off on to someone else while I go and exercise or prep more food.

Finally I am completely sick of having no social life. I don't even share an evening meal with my husband anymore let alone anyone else. I don't see anyone else outside of play dates with the kids and then the only thing I have to talk about when people ask me how I've been is PCP. It's driving me mad.

I like the changes in my body shape and that's the only thing that's kept me going so far but I'm not sure that that is going to be enough in itself to keep me going for another 6 weeks.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 45

Half way there... Bit of an anticlimax really since I know this is just going to get harder and harder until the end!  But at least I can be proud of the fact that James and I have stuck to the programme for the past month and a half.

Please Patrick, I never ever want to count skips again.  This  2 minute set thing is sooooo much better.  I believe, like Vitto, I'm doing more actual jumps but I don't feel depressed thinking about it.  It was such a horrid feeling before and just no fun.  This week I'm actually enjoying it.

Generally my morale is a bit better.  We had a great weekend in HK, weather-wise, and the boys loved spending both days on the beach.  Baby has slept a bit better too, which makes a big difference.

Oh and I was about to give away a very nice designer dress that I've never worn (I got it cheap as a sample size and it was simply too small).  Anyway, it fits perfectly now and I'm delighted!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 43

Thanks for the support guys after my blog whinge the other day. Was still in a bit of a mood yesterday but today....HOORAY!! Thank The Lord we don't have to count jumps anymore!! I thought i hated skipping but it made a massive difference to me that I could just get on with (dare I say enjoy a little bit) my jumps without the monotony of counting down and down and down.

Also it was much better that I could get my exercises done in the morning today as James was home to help with the kids. Again, so different for morale knowing you've gotten up and done it rather than having it hang over your head all day while you are rushed off your feet.

So a much better day overall. Liking the bigger veg portions too although I went to a very nice food hall to pick up some treats for #1 son this afternoon. Took a whole lot of will power not to neck a couple of freshly baked double choc chip cookies at the bakery...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 41

Not liking PCP today... at all.  I'm back to feeling tired, grumpy and hungry a lot of the time.  I understand that this may be something you have to put up with if you are on a regime but I hate feeling like I'm not being the best mum I can be just because I've got myself in to a situation where I have to spend ages weighing all my food and rushing around trying to find time to do exercises in between doing everything else.  I ended up preparing food for myself and my family until midnight last night.  Baby had me up at 4am.  He resettled but started his day at 6.45am.  And I didn't sit down, literally, from then until 5pm this evening when I helped the boys with their tea and had my afternoon snack.  Even lunch was mouthfuls grabbed between skipping, a shower and trying to settle the baby for his lunchtime nap.  This simply isn't sustainable.

James made the point that my old diet wasn't really doing me any favours compared to PCP, and he might be right but, you know what, a supper of steamed white rice with some nice sauteed meat with sauce and some stir fried vegetables makes me happy.  As does chocolate cake.

This rant may not be very PC on the PCP but I've got to get it off my chest.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 39

Better PCP day today.  I managed to skip at lunchtime so I just had my sets to do in the evening, which makes a big difference for me in terms of morale and also timing my evening meals.

Looking forward to getting to the other side of Day 45 - it's tantalising being this close to the Halfway Mark and still having a whole bunch of demon floorjumps to go before we get there!

Keeping a close eye on events in the Middle East.  It will be very important for us all to see who fills the power vacuums that may arise as old regimes fall or change.  I'm also feeling terrible for everyone impacted by the earthquake in New Zealand.  It all rather easily puts the PCP gripes in to perspective.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 38

Didn't get to start my skipping and exercises until 8.15pm today, which I hate.  So I wasn't looking forward to any of it at all.  Didn't help that it was very windy outside where I was skipping so I tripped quite a few times.  Anyway, I did it.  By the time I'd got through my sets I wasn't in such a bad mood.  Muscles failed on the bicycle but otherwise I did ok.

I realised that you can't have a sneaky day off on PCP.  Well maybe you can, but I don't dare!  I'd be too worried about not being able to keep up with the next exercises if I skipped a day.

But I am craving something sweet this week.  Can't get a big hot cup of strong sweet tea out of my head and pictures of chocolate cake keep floating across my mind's eye.  Weird since I haven't had any real cravings so far.  Like I say with the kids: I'm sure it's just a phase! :-)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 36

Feeling better today than I have been in a while and happy to be back doing the sets. Although I still think floor jumps suck.

Sleep deprivation hasn't helped my mood... Our little baby has learnt to roll over and is teething right now so decided to go exploring in his cot for things to chew at 4.30am. He was still exploring and getting stuck and crying at 6.30am. I must have rescued him about 8 times. None of us got any more sleep so started the day in A Big Grump. Funny though that our toddler now insists on carrots for breakfast everyday just like mummy and daddy.

Hoping for a better night. Wish us luck! Will post a weekly photo in a mo.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 35

Been missing my blogging this week but honestly have been so worn out with hectic life at home that I simply haven't had time.

I find that the food prep is taking up a lot of time: as well as making sure we are all set for PCP, I'm also having to cook separate meals for my toddler and baby.  The other day I made 9 different meals for one day!  I'm cooking in batches so it just means a crazy couple of days of cooking and then a few days off until the next round begins...

But I can sincerely say that I'm very much enjoying exercising every day.  I like taking the time to zone out of crazy housework and just focus on doing my exercises that I know will make me fitter and stronger to meet the challenges of every day.  It's my daily dose of me time in my own head.

That said, I confess to missng my sets yesterday.  I jumped rope while I had time during the kids' lunchtime nap but by evening I was feeling very flu-like.  So I took paracetamol and had a hot bath and jumped in to bed.  Better today but still not 100%.  Did my 1400 jumps though.

Can't believe that it is already time for another set of diet and exercise plans tomorrow - eek!  Good luck everyone!  

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 32

Checking out fellow PCPers' blogs, it seems we are all a bit low with the new diets and harder exercises.  I'm feeling it too. The lethargy hit me at 3pm today.  I was feeding the baby his bottle and found my eyes rolling backwards in my head!  It was tough to make myself get my toddler up from his lunchtime nap and not climb in to bed with him for a bit of extra sleep!

The positive bit is that while I still loathe the floor jumps, I'm starting to get my head around the technique a bit more - they still really burn though.  Also, for every horrible painful thing that Patrick is making me do, I know there are the rest of the PCP gang out there doing it too, and that really helps.  I also know that what doesn't kill me will make me stronger, and try to keep that in my head when at those times when I just want to stop.

Well done Vitto for doing all your skipping jumps in one set - that's surely better than Rocky?!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 30

Doing ok. Did all my exercises at lunchtime.  Struggling with the chest dips - but more I think because I've never done one before...Feels like I'm having to teach new muscles to do new things!

James and I had fresh steamed prawns for lunch, squirted with lemon juice, with brown rice and steamed veggies - delicious!

Well done gang - we've come this far, so there is no going back now!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 29 - PCP lesson 4: carrot cake probably isn't worth it.

I put up my Day 29 photo on Flickr, so shan't bother to blog it too.

James and I "indulged" today: a piece of carrot cake for afternoon tea.  I was so excited and made sure I sat by myself to savour the experience.  It was yummy on the way in, as James said, but half an hour later I had a bit of a headache and was feeling a bit sick to be honest!  I was also regretting it while I was in the middle of my pull ups.  Overall, it was much less worth it than I thought before I started on PCP.  Good lesson, Patrick!

I skipped and did all the exercises today.  Left ankle still hot to touch and a bit swollen but I think the day off yesterday did it a bit of good.

As for the floor jumps, I'm not sure that I shall ever start a love affair with them but each one takes me closer to where I want to be in terms of fitness and achievement, so that's what I tell myself while my legs are on fire.

I was going to take a moment to celebrate being a month in to PCP already but have a feeling that the next few weeks are going to be a whole new experience all over again, so shall just look forward to learning a few more PCP lessons along the way.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 28 - but can fit in to my honeymoon jeans!

Forgot to mention the major achievement of being able to wear my white jeans that James bought for me on our honeymoon in Rome without the fly popping open every time I sit down!! If I'm honest they did that even when we bought them but I just didn't say anything because I liked them so much.

Day 28 - can't skip :-(

Been a very hectic couple of days. All four of us in the family have a cold and throat infection. Seems I'm last to pick it up but haven't had much time to think about it as the poor baby has developed croup. Had a scary midnight run to the hospital on weds as he seemed to be having trouble breathing. Luckily he seems to holding up well so far - he's such a trooper - but he gave his mummy and daddy a fright!

....and so I had my first non-PCP craving: on the way back from the hospital I just really wanted a nice hot strong cup of English tea with full fat milk and a spoon of sugar! didn't do it but hardly think it would have been a huge crime after all the worry-adrenaline of the night?!

Been keeping up with the exercises until today. I've been skipping on the soft surface of the kids playground but my left ankle has been getting worse and worse. I tried taping it up before skipping yesterday but couldn't even walk around the house without trainers on by the evening so I prescribed myself a day of ankle rest today. Hope that isn't a huge crime either. still hobbling but hoping to see an improvement tomorrow. if not I will try to substitute swimming for skipping instead.

James and I didn't do our indulgence yet. Thinking about taking the boys out for afternoon tea (I.e. Cake!) tomorrow :-)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 25 - fat ankles

I did my jumps early this morning as #2 son was waking on and off from 5am with teething. Poor guy. It was pretty painful skipping and, rushing around with the kids, I noticed I was limping this afternoon. Looked down and saw my ankles were both like tennis balls. Been applying bengay cream, which helps but will see how I get on tomorrow. Oh and floor jumps aren't very fun so far!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 24 - noticing the PCP differences.

Wow!... For lots of different things today.

It's been really hectic since we got home from holiday.  My mum has come to Hong Kong to help me out with the kids for a while, which is great, but I still think I've done at least 20 loads of laundry since we got back on Saturday.  Also we've been doing a lot of cooking - for James and I on PCP and for the two boys. #2 son is just getting on to weaning proper and I can't keep up with the amount of food he seems to want to eat!  All a bit of a whirlwind.

BUT - I seem to have A LOT more energy than I did before PCP.  It's weird.  It's now 9.45pm it is literally the first time that I've sat down today other than to eat my meals.  Before I'd have been really tired and crabby and definitely NOT converasational.  Ok, I'm not about to do a few extra pull ups or anything but considering I've managed to do my exercises too today, I'm in pretty good shape!  So I'm taking this as a good indication that PCP is working.

Also, my clothes are fitting quite differently.  Looser on the waist.  A bit tighter around where my hamstrings are on my thighs, but both James and my mum say I look more toned.  I'm noticing a lot more definition in my upper arms and shoulders, which I like.

Food - it tastes so much more now.  This is really noticeable for me in the past few days.  So it really doesn't feel like I'm eating "plain" or "restricted" food on PCP.  Loving it!

The only less than positive is that my ankles really hurt.  It's down the front of my ankle and curling down around the ankle bone on the outside.  Feels a bit like I've been wearing high heels all night! Skipping is tough until I'm really warm and then it's ok.  I've been skipping in the carpark (concrete) so I shall try the spongey all weather surface at the playground tomorrow but any tips to help?  Thought I might try rubbing in some deep heat tonight and tomorrow before I skip.

I'm focusing on all the positives above and not the scary looking new exercises this week!  Hope everyone else is seeing some good changes too.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 22 - bye bye Thailand, hello HK. PCP still rules.

Well the virtues of doing PCP with your partner are very apparent today.  Cannot BELIEVE that James and I cracked on with our exercises at coming up for 9pm after a full day's travel back from Thailand.  Definitely deserve a pat on the back, if you ask me.  Credit to James, who was really the driver.  I had to do it really because he was still trying even though his toe looks like it's dead.  We both admitted to feeling a bit woozy by the time we sat down after supper at 10.30pm but glad not to have missed a PCP day yet.

Also, Patrick, your videos are really good.  Very helpful indeed.

Oh and a python update:  the 7 footer that came to join our beach bonfire in Thailand probably SWAM there over the sea from some small outlying islands!!  What?! And it's a reticulated python, which is the largest species of snake in the world - and apparently really good swimming.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 21

1000 jumps done this morning. I didn't feel so low before lunch today so maybe its just that the sets have been wearing me out a bit the past few days.

Last night we built a fire on the beach. The temperature was a bit cooler and a 7' juvenile python came along the beach to try to get warm by our fire!!! Its skin was beautiful but it was pretty scary. This guy came along and caught the snake with his bare hands he told us a bit about the snake while it was wrapping itself constriction style around his arm and did a wee on him. Yuck! then he put it in a bag and took it up to the mountains to set free away from people. I don't know how to post a picture as we are using mobile technology but maybe James will put one up when we get back to hong kong.

We are going home tomorrow. It's been a fab holiday and we've all had a great time. #1 son swam on his own for the first time today! And #2 is eating more than the 3 of us put together :-) great to see the boys coming on!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 20

I was maxed out at the end of the lunge sets today. But I've completed them all and am trying to ignore the fact that my butt permanently aches!

Also I've been really really tired by around 12.30pm, just before lunch. Not sure if it's a sugar low or exercise fatigue. Also my little baby has a cold and hasnt been sleeping that well the past couple of nights. But I'm so tired I'm having a total sense of humour failure so its better for me to just lie down by myself for a few minutes until lunchtime!

Lunch is filling me up but I'm hungry again for my afternoon fruits and again for supper. thank goodness for our night time fruits as well, as supper still leaves me wanting a bit more. But after my night fruits and yogurt I'm happy. maybe I just have to get used to not having a big evening meal.

Anyway, I'm still very pleased to be doing PCP and enjoying all the positive benefits that it is bringing :-)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 19 - PCP for toddlers :-)

James and I are still doing pretty well in following the PCP diet rules here in Thailand. But its pretty easy when there is such nice fresh fish to steam. And I am LOVING all the fruits for snacks. The mangoes and papayas are incredible here!

The exercises are going well although I felt that burn at the end of my ab sets today! Overall I'm feeling a bit firmer all over, which is nice. My butt aches a bit from the lunges but I believe that to be a good thing, so don't mind at all. I can't find anywhere to do the pull ups so did rowing sets instead. I know it's not the exact same work out for my back but better than nothing, right?

One big plus I can see from following the food rules is that our little boy sees us eating all kinds of new and different healthy snacks. Maybe it's because we are on holiday and he and his friends are feeling adventurous anyway but he has been eating all kinds of vegetables and new pasta dishes that he refused before. Could we actually be setting a good example these days?!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 17 - the great outdoors!

Lovely being able to exercise outside in the fresh air in the garden here - not part of hong kong lifestyle! So the daily regime is turning out to be fun on holiday.

While I was skipping today I watched a man sending his tame monkey up the palm trees outside our villa to pick the coconuts. We also found a snake in the seat by the pool yesterday - eeeek! And last night a frog came to say goodnight to us in our bedroom. Amazing!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 16 - very virtuous!

Exercises went well today as new found skipping momentum has been maintained and is quite inspiring to go on to do the sets well.

James and I were very virtuous and had separate lunch today of steamed chicken, veggies and brown rice - following Patrick's advice and avoiding sauces on our food. Garnished with super hot Thai chilli though!

Enjoying our holiday with friends very much so far. W have 5 little boys between us, who are having a whale of a time together and that's really what it's all about, right?!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 16 photo

...PCP Thailand!

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Test 1

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PCP Thai style

Haven't blogged for a few days as we have been preparing to go to and arriving in THailand for a family holiday with friends. But overall PCP has been going well...

Managed to squeeze in my exercises before jumping on the plane yesterday, which I was surprisingly pleased with.

As for today: SKIPPING BREAKTHROUGH!!! I don't need to do double hops anymore and did my 800 jumps in about a third of the usual time :-)). I need to give my incredibly coordinated friend, Jen, credit. She's on holiday with us and can skip like a boxer. I watched and watched her and cracked it. Also borrowed her leather skipping rope, which seems to move through the air a lot better. Thanks Jen!

Food wise, we brought our scales and are keeping to our allowed amounts. Carbs and veg are easy to be good with. But we are not cooking our protein separately to everyone else, so, while choosing as much as possible without sauces, we are probably not being as strict as we would ideally like on salt in particular. But all in all not bad.

Hope everyone else is feeling like they are progressing too!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 12 - PCP lesson 3

PCP lesson 3 is don't have celery for your breakfast veg: you will get hungry! My clever husband pointed out that having something with a bit more to it might help and he was right. Just switched to carrots today, nothing special, but made a big difference.

Skipping improved again today, so will just keep practicing and hope my skills gradually get better.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 11 - hunger strikes

I'm hungry! I woke up hungry and I stayed hungry all day.  Thanks for the food questions video today Patrick - really helpful - but rather disappointing to find out we need to "dampen" our porridge oats before weighing.  Decided to just grit my teeth and give up oats too as I really don't know how to work that one out properly.

Found a great recipe for avocado bruschetta.  Mash the avocado with a little lime juice and some fresh chopped parsley before spreading on your toast.  Yum!

My exercises were much quicker today as the skipping went much better.  Thank goodness!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 10 - defenestration off the cards for now...

Thanks guys for all the input re skipping!  And guess what, I suddenly realised today at jump 400 and starting over for what seemed to be the 200th time that if I look at the rope hitting the floor I can time my jumps brilliantly.  Well maybe not brilliantly, but it's all relative... Perhaps the threat of death by frustration makes your brain find solutions to seemingly unsolvable problems.  Or perhaps praying works.

That said, I'm obviously still not a skipping genius, and Sean, the video is definitely useful!

As for food - still ok.  I was going to say that I wouldn't mind a bigger supper allowance but somehow I don't think that's going to happen so I'll not start down that road.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 9 - my skipping rope and I aren't friends....yet?!

I nearly threw my skipping rope out of the window today.  Then I nearly threw myself out the window.  Then I decided that 600 jumps can't be THAT hard and kept going... but I did cry a bit.  I've been absolutely abysmal at skipping the past two days.  I don't mind doing the physical work but it is beyond frustrating having to keep starting over again and again.  But I'm telling myself that I felt like last week was pretty good for me so maybe I'm due a couple of bad days. Please God, though, give me skipping skills soon!

Not minding the food at all.  There's loads of it! Glad James and I are doing this together - it makes meal planning a lot easier.

Here's my day 9 photo.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Bye bye carrot cake!

I had my last piece of carrot cake tonight. It's one of my favorites and i shall miss it like a good friend for the next few weeks but quite excited about the new diet and exercise plans from Patrick today. James and I are on a mission for a load of plastic food storage containers tomorrow!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 6 - vaguely on track

Too busy to post yesterday and out for a girls' night, which was fun. Stuck to half portions and resisted several different kinds of cake for dessert and stuck to a few blueberries and raspberries instead. The exercises must have been fine because I can't really remember much about them.

Rubbish day for eating today. After oatmeal breakfast I didn't get time to eat anything until I got hold of a piece of carrot cake in the playground at 3.30 this afternoon. Ridiculous. I shared some of it with #1 son, so still feel like I did the half portion thing (a bit) but don't feel too bad anyway given that it was basically lunch.

Exercises were ok. I'm getting some bursts of finding a rhythm with the jump rope, which is encouraging. I'm enjoying the sets - I actually quite like the burn!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 4 - grumpy but glad to have fellow PCPers!

Well I was grumpy as hell by the time I finished my exercises today. I do them at lunchtime while the kids are napping as it's the only time in the day I have to myself. But the whole half portion meal thing means that I'm trying to get through a full morning of playschool/errands/kids lunches/etc. and PCP exercises., fuelled only by a measly half bowl of oatmeal at 8am. Then suddenly it's 2pm and I'm stuffing half a sandwich in my mouth while getting the children up and trying not to either scream at someone or pass out!  I've decided I must snack late morning to avoid tears. Does this mean I should make my "lunch" smaller?

Thanks guys for the tips and sympathy re being attacked by my own skipping rope...Glad I'm not the only one!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 3 - I only strangled myself twice with the skipping rope today!

...But I did manage to get my ponytail caught in it - not sure how.  That said, I found the exercises easier today - maybe I'm just getting in to the swing of things a bit more.

The half portions thing means I think I actually ate more than usual today.  Normally I just pick up something that's lying around while I'm in between doing stuff and rarely have regular meals during the day.  Now I am paying attention to "portions" I found myself sitting down to 3 meals today, which is not the norm for me.  But cutting out kids leftovers I think has made a big difference to the total volume intake!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 2 blog and Day 1 photo

Day 1 photo up and published - MORTIFYING!! But the whole reason for doing PCP is so that I'm not too embarrassed to take my kids to swimming class or spend the day with friends at the pool, so I'm glad I've taken the leap.  

As for Day 2, well I'm still rubbish at skipping but I liked doing the lunges.  Primarily because they felt like they were making my butt work, which I'm guessing is good.  The food part isn't really bothering me...yet?! And I've resisted finishing up any of my kids leftovers.  

Saturday, January 15, 2011

This is my first ever blog. And I'm finding it weird. I freely admit that I am far from Internet savvy but i have always rather thought that blogs were basically the means by which agoraphobes or sufferers of Social Anxiety Disorder shouted about themselves in to space in the hope that someone somewhere might notice. And this has always struck me as a bit desperate, probably rather futile and at the very least unlikely to attract the kind of attention that said lonely blogger might really be after. So I guess I have learnt my first PCP lesson - blogging's alright.

My second PCP lesson today was that skipping with a rope is harder than you think - or at least harder than I remembered it to be 30 years ago. Honestly I was rubbish at it today and am hoping very much that it gets easier with practice.

The half portion thing isn't a problem so far. My eldest son happily steals half of anything I'm eating and running around after him and his younger brother means that I quite often forget either to start or finish at least one meal a day anyway.

I will post my day one photo tomorrow.