Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 60

Well it's a bit of a landmark day - 60 - and I've not done any exercise for the first time on PCP.  Yesterday I skipped but didn't do the sets.  I'm utterly exhausted on 5 hours of sleep last night and the night before.  It is incredible the difference that sleep makes to my physical ability to do the exercises.  Feeling a bit guilty and obviously skipped the pre and post work out carbs/yogurt yesterday and today.  Will also skip the egg tonight.

The other thing that I am having is cravings like I've never experienced before for granola and oaty things.  What is that?  It's like pregnant cravings - i.e. seriously, don't argue with me, cravings.  What am I supposed to do??

Well done everyone for sticking with the programme.  James is doing a great job and showing me up badly right now!

Oh and I've put a new photo up on Flickr today.


  1. LOVE your new picture....you are looking great and strong!

  2. Granola and oats cravings are classic stress eating foods. How are your stress levels?

  3. oh ok! stress! it's my monkey - i'm very good at feeling it and not that great at dealing with it! my bad. there's a fair bit going on for me at the moment that is making me feel a bit overwhelmed, to be honest. but i realise that i need to lighten up a bit on myself. thanks for the insight - i would never had made the connection!
