Friday, January 21, 2011

Bye bye carrot cake!

I had my last piece of carrot cake tonight. It's one of my favorites and i shall miss it like a good friend for the next few weeks but quite excited about the new diet and exercise plans from Patrick today. James and I are on a mission for a load of plastic food storage containers tomorrow!


  1. mouth drools upon hearing about carrot cake...especially the cream cheese there anything better?

  2. Thanks for a great idea for dessert tonight... Half of a carrot cake!

  3. Had Red Velvet Cake myself tonight...only a third, maybe less. My favorite next to carrot cake. I especially like when they actually put a little frosting carrot on top of the cake! No more :(

  4. How many times have you had carrot cake in your life? How many times have you been in tip top shape? Choose the new experience!

  5. Sasha, I'm a former PCPer whose been following you're blog. I hope you don't mind if I comment from time to time. I wish you all the best with your project. In regards to the whole carrot cake thing, I used to be hung up on Doritoes. They were my favorite snack in the whole world. But, I've left them behind. The great thing about the PCP is, because you can't fall back on your old stand-by snacks, you'll find yourself experimenting with new foods and food ideas--and finding some great tastes in the process. Food can be a friend, but mostly it's energy. Your body is your true friend, and it's gonna pay you back big time with new strength and new energy for all the love your going to give it over the next few months.
