Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 4 - grumpy but glad to have fellow PCPers!

Well I was grumpy as hell by the time I finished my exercises today. I do them at lunchtime while the kids are napping as it's the only time in the day I have to myself. But the whole half portion meal thing means that I'm trying to get through a full morning of playschool/errands/kids lunches/etc. and PCP exercises., fuelled only by a measly half bowl of oatmeal at 8am. Then suddenly it's 2pm and I'm stuffing half a sandwich in my mouth while getting the children up and trying not to either scream at someone or pass out!  I've decided I must snack late morning to avoid tears. Does this mean I should make my "lunch" smaller?

Thanks guys for the tips and sympathy re being attacked by my own skipping rope...Glad I'm not the only one!


  1. Hmm, interesting what's being uncovered about your eating habits here!

  2. I know! I didn't realise they were so bad til we started this week....Counting on you to sort me out!
