Saturday, January 15, 2011

This is my first ever blog. And I'm finding it weird. I freely admit that I am far from Internet savvy but i have always rather thought that blogs were basically the means by which agoraphobes or sufferers of Social Anxiety Disorder shouted about themselves in to space in the hope that someone somewhere might notice. And this has always struck me as a bit desperate, probably rather futile and at the very least unlikely to attract the kind of attention that said lonely blogger might really be after. So I guess I have learnt my first PCP lesson - blogging's alright.

My second PCP lesson today was that skipping with a rope is harder than you think - or at least harder than I remembered it to be 30 years ago. Honestly I was rubbish at it today and am hoping very much that it gets easier with practice.

The half portion thing isn't a problem so far. My eldest son happily steals half of anything I'm eating and running around after him and his younger brother means that I quite often forget either to start or finish at least one meal a day anyway.

I will post my day one photo tomorrow.

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