1000 jumps done this morning. I didn't feel so low before lunch today so maybe its just that the sets have been wearing me out a bit the past few days.
Last night we built a fire on the beach. The temperature was a bit cooler and a 7' juvenile python came along the beach to try to get warm by our fire!!! Its skin was beautiful but it was pretty scary. This guy came along and caught the snake with his bare hands he told us a bit about the snake while it was wrapping itself constriction style around his arm and did a wee on him. Yuck! then he put it in a bag and took it up to the mountains to set free away from people. I don't know how to post a picture as we are using mobile technology but maybe James will put one up when we get back to hong kong.
We are going home tomorrow. It's been a fab holiday and we've all had a great time. #1 son swam on his own for the first time today! And #2 is eating more than the 3 of us put together :-) great to see the boys coming on!
So cool. But better to read about it than see that snake for real!