Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 24 - noticing the PCP differences.

Wow!... For lots of different things today.

It's been really hectic since we got home from holiday.  My mum has come to Hong Kong to help me out with the kids for a while, which is great, but I still think I've done at least 20 loads of laundry since we got back on Saturday.  Also we've been doing a lot of cooking - for James and I on PCP and for the two boys. #2 son is just getting on to weaning proper and I can't keep up with the amount of food he seems to want to eat!  All a bit of a whirlwind.

BUT - I seem to have A LOT more energy than I did before PCP.  It's weird.  It's now 9.45pm it is literally the first time that I've sat down today other than to eat my meals.  Before I'd have been really tired and crabby and definitely NOT converasational.  Ok, I'm not about to do a few extra pull ups or anything but considering I've managed to do my exercises too today, I'm in pretty good shape!  So I'm taking this as a good indication that PCP is working.

Also, my clothes are fitting quite differently.  Looser on the waist.  A bit tighter around where my hamstrings are on my thighs, but both James and my mum say I look more toned.  I'm noticing a lot more definition in my upper arms and shoulders, which I like.

Food - it tastes so much more now.  This is really noticeable for me in the past few days.  So it really doesn't feel like I'm eating "plain" or "restricted" food on PCP.  Loving it!

The only less than positive is that my ankles really hurt.  It's down the front of my ankle and curling down around the ankle bone on the outside.  Feels a bit like I've been wearing high heels all night! Skipping is tough until I'm really warm and then it's ok.  I've been skipping in the carpark (concrete) so I shall try the spongey all weather surface at the playground tomorrow but any tips to help?  Thought I might try rubbing in some deep heat tonight and tomorrow before I skip.

I'm focusing on all the positives above and not the scary looking new exercises this week!  Hope everyone else is seeing some good changes too.


  1. Hey Sasha - everything sounds great. Skipping rope on that hard a surface to me seems a cause for some of your discomfort. Even a carpet pad can make a difference. Your joints just are not used to that regular impact. I'm not a doctor of course, and I do not play one on TV...but it seems reasonable to consider some padding.

  2. Yep, a forgiving jumping surface and time will bring the ankles back. A lot of people have had that exact same pain. It goes away as the legs tones up. If it doesn't let me know.
