Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 22 - bye bye Thailand, hello HK. PCP still rules.

Well the virtues of doing PCP with your partner are very apparent today.  Cannot BELIEVE that James and I cracked on with our exercises at coming up for 9pm after a full day's travel back from Thailand.  Definitely deserve a pat on the back, if you ask me.  Credit to James, who was really the driver.  I had to do it really because he was still trying even though his toe looks like it's dead.  We both admitted to feeling a bit woozy by the time we sat down after supper at 10.30pm but glad not to have missed a PCP day yet.

Also, Patrick, your videos are really good.  Very helpful indeed.

Oh and a python update:  the 7 footer that came to join our beach bonfire in Thailand probably SWAM there over the sea from some small outlying islands!!  What?! And it's a reticulated python, which is the largest species of snake in the world - and apparently really good swimming.


  1. You guys DO deserve a pat on the back!!! Love the video's also....very helpful. Can't wait to see the picture of the python....well I should say I can wait, but I'll be interested in seeing it.
