Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 35

Been missing my blogging this week but honestly have been so worn out with hectic life at home that I simply haven't had time.

I find that the food prep is taking up a lot of time: as well as making sure we are all set for PCP, I'm also having to cook separate meals for my toddler and baby.  The other day I made 9 different meals for one day!  I'm cooking in batches so it just means a crazy couple of days of cooking and then a few days off until the next round begins...

But I can sincerely say that I'm very much enjoying exercising every day.  I like taking the time to zone out of crazy housework and just focus on doing my exercises that I know will make me fitter and stronger to meet the challenges of every day.  It's my daily dose of me time in my own head.

That said, I confess to missng my sets yesterday.  I jumped rope while I had time during the kids' lunchtime nap but by evening I was feeling very flu-like.  So I took paracetamol and had a hot bath and jumped in to bed.  Better today but still not 100%.  Did my 1400 jumps though.

Can't believe that it is already time for another set of diet and exercise plans tomorrow - eek!  Good luck everyone!  

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